A great truth is a truth whose opposite is also a great truth.
- bondiaries - lovely blog posts and reviews
- dominicm - talented and knowledgeable developer
- kaa - beautiful art, photography, software
- suboptimalism - interesting writing and polemics
updates (RSS)
- (2024-09-27) - Against all instinct, I updated my so-called mission statement.
- (2024-09-26) - Korean mathematician Cha Bulhwi has transcribed Saint Anselm's proof of God's existence in Lean 4: a link to a small excerpt and the whole thing.
- (2024-09-01) - How would you start to write mathematical proofs as computer programs? Read more about it here.
- (2024-06-27) - Are you literature-inclined? Maybe you can help me with one of my inquiries. From here on out, I'm adding a standalone version to my blog posts.
- (2024-06-01) - Long overdue essay about my favorite movie ever.
- (2024-05-25) - Added a few people onto my index, and a May log for you, before the month ends.
- (2024-04-27) - I bring you an update of very little consequence or interest, on the off chance you want to read it.
- (2024-03-22) - Maybe I made the text on my website a little bit easier to read. But I have no real idea.
- (2024-03-14) - Added new people to the index.
- (2024-02-25) - Added new people to the index. New button. Some spring cleaning. Ended up uploading some other programming language theory notes, here.
- (2024-02-18) - Blog post, just a quote I find interesting, and added a few new sites to the index.
- (2024-02-12)- A blog post about math (not technical at all) coming to you just before the hell that is midterm season.
- (2024-01-10) - Barely an update. I added my OMEMO fingerprint should you wish to have encrypted conversations over XMPP. Everything else you see on the updates is just house-keeping :)
- (2024-01-06) - Happy New Year. I posted a blog entry where I talk about listening to music and jailbreaking Kindles.
- (2023-12-25) - Merry Christmas. Added more sites (you should visit) to the index.
- (2023-12-22) - Some notes as I start learning Ocaml.
- (2023-12-20) - New post about autodidactism here, and also I added an RSS feed for this site, finally.
- (2023-12-13) - I am on the "Women of the Internet" webring now.
- (2023-12-06) - Updated site appearance a bit, and new post sort of about the class I'm taking now.
- (2023-11-30) - Procrastinating on studying for finals by... talking about virtual memory here. Also see some writing about language learning here.
- (2023-07-16) - Just like me to come back after six months of nothing. Updated the index and about me pages. New post: On "RPG sites" and their slow death
- (2023-01-28) - Joined the *NIX webring, I do encourage you to check it out!
- (2023-01-15) - Thankfully on a lighter note this time, new blog update.
- (2023-01-05) - New post about Chouette. Happy new years everybody!
- (2022-12-30) - New post about mpd and ncmpcpp, a command-line music player.
- (2022-12-26) - Continuing to update images and streamlining the website, and trying to keep most pages under 1MB. Adjusted the color scheme to be a little easier on the eyes.
- (2022-12-23) - Updated most of the images on my site and got rid of the imported fonts. Most pages should load much faster now, particularly the art page.
- (2022-12-19) - Happy holidays!
- (2022-11-22) - Added a very belated updates panel, and also added another button, this one is animated :+)