
I go by Imya, and I'm a computer science student who is also a bit of a Luddite. I know, many such cases...

Here are some of my thoughts on technology.


Email: threetrees (at) disroot (dot) org | PGP key | What is PGP?

XMPP: same as email :-)


About this site

I started this site in December 2020 as a repository for a high-school art project, but it eventually grew into a blog. It underwent a significant change in design and organization at the end of 2022; its newest and most consistent iteration started at the end of 2023.

I maintain my blog via this cobbled-together C-program-shell-script abomination. It just about werks, it's much smaller than a static site generator, and I don't need to touch any more HTML than necessary.

I've tried to make this site as amenable to as many browsers and internet speeds as possible, but please let me know via email if there are any pain points.

The color scheme of this website is: #260d1a and #d47d7d.

The header image is M. C. Escher's 1936 woodcut, Day and Night.


Below are some programs that I have used, or still use, and that I particularly recommend (usually due to a pleasant user experience). All are open-source, free, and actively maintained. Many (but not all) are minimal in that they are command-line-based programs, a mode of computer-usage that I wholeheartedly endorse.