
Sometimes my shorter blog post ramblings will outgrow themselves and I will be forced to relegate them into slightly more official positions, that of being entries in a haphazard list called the bird nest.

This place also serves as a tentative hangar for my current projects, which are:

  • Creating my own programming language (lexer, parser, interpreter and all)
  • Managing a VPS and hosting useful services such as Searx and git instances for myself and friends
  • Teaching myself abstract algebra
  • A bunch of toy programs in C and Go, and in general doing so-called recreational programming :)
  • Teaching myself Russian via an immersion-based approach


  1. How my favorite movie also changed my life - (01/06/2024)

Tech, CS, Math

  1. Day 1 of PL (retroactively uploaded) - (25/02/2024)
  2. Day 2 of PL - (22/12/2023)
  3. My experience with installing/configuring mpd and ncmpcpp, a CLI music player - (29/12/2022)

Language learning

  1. Why learn Russian when Russia is doing xyz? - (26/02/2024)
  2. What it takes to learn a language - (?/12/2023)

About Chouette (my character)

  1. Attempting to summarize Chouette's existence and essence - (05/01/2023)
  2. A compendium of Chouette (my character) and accompanying quotes from medical drama novels about Ebola - (20/11/2022)